Early Years
Welcome to the Early Years Foundation Stage of Network International School.
We are honoured to be children and families’ first steps in their education journey and hopefully, the beginning of their Network career. As our name suggests, the Foundation Stage embodies the need for all children to have a solid foundation in all areas of development so all future accomplishments can be built upon.
Our main aim is for all children to enjoy their first experience of school and ultimately, have fun whilst developing life skills through play. We are huge believers that by allowing children the freedom to choose their play and explore their environments we are scaffolding their abilities to become independent problem solvers with the skills to think critically.
We recognise parents as a child’s first educator and therefore work closely with all families to help create strong, positive relationships between home and school. By sharing information and ideas we all ensure every child receives an individual and unique education in a secure and engaging environment.
During the Foundation Stage huge importance is placed on providing opportunities for children to gain secure learning in the Three Prime Areas of Development. Establishing fundamental skills in the three prime areas allows all children to progress and thrive in the remaining areas of our Curriculum and become confident life long learners with a passion for education.
The goal of our Foundation Stage is, as it has been from day one of Network, to plant and nurture the seed of education and witness the strong roots of learning embed themselves in children to give them the best possible start in life.
We look forward to meeting you and your families.